Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Change Your Mind...Change Your Address

Change Your Mind…Change Your Address
To give an understanding of the importance of renewing the mind.
What is a renewed mind?

Renew: a renewal, renovation, complete change for the better
A renewed mind is a mind that has been made new through the Word of God.

Why: Why should I renew my mind?

How you think either sets or removes limitations in your life
·        Numbers 13:33
"…and we were in our own sight asgrasshoppersand so we were in their sight.

Your thoughts determine your behavior.
·        Proverbs 23:7

A renewed mind is evidence of a changed life
·        Romans 12:2
Transform: to change in character or condition

You are a new person, it’s time to get rid of the old thinking
·        2Corinthians 5:17
·        Ephesians 4:24
·        Colossians 3:9
·        Romans 6:4

How: How do I renew my mind?

Read the Word
·        Isaiah 34:16

There is not one Word that God has spoken that has/will not be fulfilled
Meditate on the Word
·        Joshua 1:8

"Bible meditation is a God given process that produces a spiritual experience that causes a permanent change in our thinking.  It transforms what we believe about ourselves and situations in an accelerated manner.”
(Pastor Bill Winston, World Dome, 2/2002)
Act on the Word, Do What the Word says
·        James 1: 22-25
·        John 8:31
Take authority over your thoughts by speaking the Word
·        2 Corinthians 10:5
Example: count silently (in your head) to ten, when you get to 5, open your mouth and say "Hallelujah.”  What happened to your count? It stopped, whatever you were thinking at the moment you spoke that thought was

Be planted and rooted in the Word of God
·        2 Timothy 2:15
·        Psalm 92:13

We can locate you by your thoughts.  As a [wo]man thinks, so is [s]he.  If your present circumstances are not where you want to be, it’s time to move to a new address!   You have to first see yourself (think, imagine) as the Word of God says you are.  Then continue reading, meditating, and acting on the Word until your thoughts have changed and become one with God.  Your thoughts cannot be changed by will power, but rather by consistent, diligent communion with God and His Word.  Your changed life will be a testimony to others.

I used to use profanity all the time, but I learned from the Word that blessings and curses could not come from the same mouth.  I spent a lot of time, reading and meditating on Ephesians 4:29, Colossians 3:8, James 3:10, Psalm 141:3 and 1 John 1:9.  It took some time, but that old cuss woman is gone.  And if she ever tries to visit, I remind myself that I’m the righteousness of God, I repent and I go forward, because my thinking has been totally changed in that area.  You can no longer find me at the corner of "Cussin’ you out and Having No mercy”; I changed my address!
Definitions taken from:
Greek lexicon based on Thayer's and Smith's Bible Dictionary plus others; this is keyed to the large Kittel and the "Theological Dictionary of the New Testament." These files are public domain.

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