Tuesday, May 31, 2011

For All Have Sinned...

For All Have Sinned…
 A explanation of Romans 3:23-24
What: Definitions

Romans 3:23-24, For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.
Sinned:  to err, to miss the mark, to not share in the prize
Short: come behind, fail, lack, suffer need, be in want
Glory: dignity, honor, praise, worship
Justified: to render, show or regard as just or innocent
Freely: without a cause, for nothing
Grace: benefit, favor, gift, liberality
Redemption: ransom in full, riddance
Christ: Anointed
Jesus: He Who saves.
Translated verses Romans 3:23-24:
For all have missed the mark and so not shared in the prize, and lacked or been in want of the dignity, honor, praise and worship of God; being rendered and shown and regarded as just or innocent freely (without cause, for nothing) by His favor, benefit, gift and liberality through the Anointed One Who saves.

Why: Why is it important to understand these verses?

Traditional teachings of some verses, not in proper context, has led some to believe two points
1.    we are all sinners
·        Romans 3:23
     * once the definitions are given and the first few chapters of Romans have been studied, the understanding is; we were all sinners before our salvation through Christ.

2.    we are all "filthy rags”
·        Isaiah 64:6
     * this was one person speaking about the rebellious Israelites and how "[their] righteousnesses” (i.e. the works they had done to obtain righteousness with God) were as filthy rags.  (read Titus 3:5)

The truth sets us free
1.    we are saved and no longer sinners
·        Romans 5:18-6:2
·        Romans 8:10
2.    we are still capable of committing sin, the choice is ours to make
·        Romans 7:22-8:4
3.    we have a right to seek God’s forgiveness every time we miss the mark
·        1 John 1:9
·        Romans 8:1

How: How do you get a better understanding of verses?

Ask  God, seek godly counsel
·        1 Corinthians 2:9-12
·        James 1:5
·        Proverbs 4:7
Study by cross referencing verses, using dictionaries and concordances
·        2 Timothy 2:15
·        2 Timothy 3:16-17
·        Romans 15:4
When studying scripture, we should determine who was being spoken to or about in the verses.
·        It aids in our understanding to know the speakers of the verses.
Be quick to believe the love of God. 
·        God is not trying to punish us, but rather perfect (make complete) us, study the Word through the eyes of love, not condemnation.  Don’t think that God is trying to make you feel guilty when you read His Word.
·        Romans 8:1
·        Joshua 1:8

Each of us at some point has fallen (or will fall) short of the mark (sin). But thank God, He is not expecting perfection in deed, but a heart that is perfect towards Him and therefore quick to recognize, admit and repent of our sins.   We have all missed the mark and are all freely regarded as innocent through the ransom that was paid in full by the Anointed One Who saves.  We are not sinners (devoted to sin, not free from sin, preeminently evil), but rather the righteousness of God (1 Corinthians 1:30).  So when we miss the mark, we can go to our Father with a heart or repentance, receive His compassionate forgiveness, and keep going forward in the life He has designed for us.
Definitions taken from:
Greek lexicon based on Thayer's and Smith's Bible Dictionary plus others; this is keyed to the large Kittel and the "Theological Dictionary of the New Testament." These files are public domain.

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